The Book of the Planck Epoch of The Bible According to Einstein

The Birth of the Universe

The first book of Creation

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322                        The Bible According to Einstein

The first book of Creation, called

Genesis I: The Planck Epoch

In the beginning,
the World was without form and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

– The Holy Bible          

In the "Beginning," there was no beginning. Before the Planck time, there was no time and there was no space. The Universe was in a quantum state with wild fluctuations. (The hummingbird’s wings flap fast and are invisible.) What one might have called spacetime was incomprehensible. The quantum Universe was a trillion-trillion worlds. Potential worlds were bubbling forth and were evaporating like unto the waters in a boiling pot. And tunnelling and fluctuations moved thy proto-World among these worlds. And quantum gravity wreaked havoc. The waves of gravity were everywhere. The Universe was like a thousand knots.
     Near the "Beginning," there was almost nothing. The Universe was unimaginably hot and small. And somehow from this senseless void would emerge thy World. And somehow from this emptiness there would emerge a time and space. Thy Universe would soon conceive itself. And from the almost nothingness would soon come all.



1 The meanings of the metaphors in this chapter and the next ones as well as the definitions of the scientific words are explained in The Books of Physics of the New Testament. See in particular the books General Relativity and Gravity and Quantum Mechanics.
2 For the definitions of technical words such as state, see the Index/Glossary.

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